Thursday, September 27, 2012

Mental Hiatus & Work

I am having an unofficial hiatus of sorts...

I am still here, I am just possessing a different kind of head space and taking the opportunity to hone some of my skills.

The Janome is gathering dust - but I have just recently purchased some wildly exciting fabric so perhaps I will be designing and creating on the physical plane shortly. Think Gidget.

For now however I am working on 2D. In love with shiny cars designed within an inch of their own believe-ability scalloped in sensuous chrome I decided to have a crack and illustrating a car. A 1969 Chevrolet Impala to be precise.
Original Image

'Super Grande' Illustration

My boobs and a Coffee...

Boobs...ahh the lost art of language.
Corffee as said by Carmela Sporano

"Tony you wanna corffee?

I have plans for more and more...
have a happy week folks!

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